New posts in passive-voice

What is the meaning of 'should have got forgotten'? [duplicate]

Why adding s to the sentence ".. to groups"

"To be reviewed and approved"

Postpositive "concerned": temporary state of affairs

How can I use “fête” as a verb in active voice?

'Is Displayed' to active voice [closed]

What part of speech is "surrounded" in this sentence?

Usage of "being"

Is "Contents sold by weight not volume" Passive Voice or something else?

Does passive voice always involve a form of "to be" and a past participle?

Isn't "to be mistaken" ambiguous?

Avoiding "was able to be" in the passive voice

reunite: passive when used as a transitive verb

MADE - a VERB or an ADJECTIVE in the example: "This car is MADE of steel." Please, help

"notify" in passive voice

Can "A vote for/against B" be turned into the passive "B was voted for (by A)"?

Why is the passive voice more prevalent in English than in other European languages? [closed]

Passive clauses without auxiliaries

"They have been replaced by..." or "They have been replaced with..."

"To be assigned to" usage question