New posts in passive-voice

Passive voice, agency, and survey format

Change of voice within a sentence

I don't understand passive voice [closed]

Why "he is known to me" instead of "he is known by me"

Can we say "park moved" instead of using the passive voice? [closed]

Usage of passive forms without "be" verb [duplicate]

In "get married," etc., is "married" a verb or an adjective?

Active or passive voice in

Passive of 'take (good/great/sufficient/enough/not enough/little) care of'

Passive voice warning - grammerly

How to make Passive of infinitive objects

the money given him by his uncle

Why 'dedicate' used passive voice in this sentence of the Gettysburg Address?

Which preposition should follow facilitate?

To know things versus to be known things [closed]

passive or active?

Which transitive verbs can form notional passives?

The meaning and usage of 'Dinner is served'

Is "to be interested" an active or passive voice?

Use of aux. "be" with "got" for passive?