Active or passive voice in

Which of the two is the more appropriate one?

The bag is too heavy to carry.

The bag is too heavy to be carried.


The burger is too spicy to eat.

The burger is too spicy to be eaten.

What's the general principle to choose active or passive voice after the "to" in ""?

I'm quite an English beginner and new to this website. Pardon me if I do things wrongly:)

My Longman English Grammar by L. G. Alexander gives the following example in paragraph 16.32:

1 He is too heay (for me) to lift. (As an example not the very best.)

And as far as I can remember the normal thing is an active to-infinitive after "too + adjective as in

2 The text is too difficult (for me) to translate. (My own example)

Theoretically a passive to-infinitive should be possible but it is not the typical pattern.

The active voice puts more emphasis on the action. If you're focusing more on the carrying of the bag and the eating of the burger, you're better off using the active voice. If you're focusing more on the heaviness of the bag and the spiciness of the burger, you're better off using the passive voice.