English words for specific positive integers (e.g. dozen, score, gross, myriad) [closed]

A couple means 2, though it sometimes means "roughly two." A pair and a duo are exactly 2.

A trio is 3.

A half-dozen, unsurprisingly, is 6.

A baker's dozen is 13.

In sports, especially in England, century is used for 100 of various things, most often 100 runs in a cricket innings. Outside of sports it usually means 100 years.

The following are all slang, but I don't think your question specifically precluded slang, so:

Within my shady entourage we often use "large" (usually with no article to modify numbers greater than 1) or "a grand" to mean 1000 units of whichever currency we're currently trying to launder, but "a grand" can also mean 1000 of anything (make no mistake (as I did ONCE), there's a HUGE difference between "a grand of Uzis" and "a grand's worth of Uzis!")

We also use "nickel"* (for 5 [dollars]), "dime" (for 10 [dollars]), and "key"/"ki" (for 1000 [grams]) when referencing the quantity of certain products that we sell.

*(All seriousness aside,"double-nickel(s)" can also mean the number "55", I think)