New posts in passive-voice

Would like in the passive voice

Active perfect infinitive

Is it right to ask "Where is the world's most fresh water?" without using the word found or located?

active-passive voice related question [duplicate]

What is the right verb for "manipulation" in the passive sense?

How to know if a past participle form used in a sentence is the adjective for the next word or not?

Is this considered a passive voice misuse?

Is the sentence "It is removed" grammatically correct?

If I were to remove the "which is" or "that is" from an adjective clause, which type of adjective phrase is formed? [duplicate]

Is this in passive voice? + what are reasons for ever using passive?

Future Continuous and Perfect Continuous tenses in Passive Voice

How do I say 'people insist on' in the passive voice?

"Testing started" versus "testing has been started"

Why can't they have him get caught or killed? - do I need "get" here?

How to say that a problem has occurred previously in passive voice

Passive voice of LET [duplicate]

Moving from passive voice to active voice in a sentence

What’s the difference between “to VERB” and “to be VERBed”?

Passive voice in academic writing; why is it not recommended? [duplicate]

Passive + that + v3?