What is the right verb for "manipulation" in the passive sense?

Solution 1:

The passive form of manipulated requires that some successful manipulation has taken place, and this requires some time. A person can be tricked into something right away. They can be browbeaten or coerced over a short time. However, manipulation is something that typically takes place over an extended period of time, as the victim acts on what they think is their own volition, whereas in fact their perception of events has been altered by the manipulator.

For example, if you allow some time to pass between your description of the manipulator and your reference to the victim being manipulated, or convey this in the context, the passive form will come more naturally:

... they showed her the clip. The next day they told her of her husband's infidelity. She signed the papers. She had been thoroughly manipulated.

... they showed her the clip. She was as easily manipulated as her sister would be a year later.

... they showed her the clip. Up till now they had seemed like friends. Her brother had urged her to trust them, in that final recording he had left. How could she avoid getting manipulated?

All of your alternatives are passable, but not in the way that you have presented your example.