New posts in passive-voice

Is “This room was slept in by Milton” grammatical even though ‘sleep’ is an intransitive verb?

to be + past participle

Passive of "tried to eat"

How can you tell when a participle is being used as an adjective? [duplicate]

Passive voice reuse after "and" conjunction + screen/display usage [closed]

When can verbal passives be used in secondary predicates?

“Who are you known to”

Could you please help and explain to me how to correct the seemingly incorrect passive voice sentence pattern?

Passive voice expressed by means of the active voice

Is it recommended to use "we" in research papers?

What is the meaning of "I am humbled by XYZ"?

"He was getting beaten" vs. "he was being beaten"

Why is "to get" sometimes used where "to be" could be used?

Why use "of" in the phrase "delivered of a baby"?

Can the present perfect continuous construct be used in passive voice?

descend from vs be descended from

"He is loved", is 'loved' an adjective or a verb? [duplicate]

"The ticket is printing" vs " being printed"

Style Question: Use of "we" vs. "I" vs. passive voice in a dissertation

Passive with "to get"