New posts in passive-voice

Converting a sentence from passive voice to active voice [closed]

Passive using the "be" verb: "is been" [closed]

Active vs Passive voice in lab reports, and history of scientific usage

Proper use of passive and active voices? [duplicate]

Verbs that can be used as both passive and active in the same form - how to determine if a verb is a such one? [duplicate]

Passive voice non-existent in the active

Is "Inequality (1) infers" correct? (as in "Inequality (1) holds/follows")

Intransitive verbs with preposition in passive sentences [duplicate]

Is there such a thing as a future infinitive in English?

What's the passive form of "I have been learning English for 5 years"? [closed]

Why is this marked ungrammatical? "A new CD player was wanted by Ed."

When do you use "is being" in English?

When to use passive and active voice [closed]

"Your order has shipped"

Books have(been) sold [duplicate]

Why is "Prices to be set..." used in this sentence instead of "Prices will be set..."?

How to make these sentences passive: 'People believe that Jenkins is the culprit.' and 'People believed that Jenkins was the culprit.' [closed]

Grammar of "married" in "getting married"

Active to Passive voice: "Go to School Now"

Why passive voice is not used here? [closed]