New posts in clauses

Separating a clause introduced with "such that" by commas [closed]

double negation: unless followed by a negative verb form

Is a comma in this sentence required? [closed]

"It is only me that is" or "It is only I that am"

What is the subject of the sentence "wherever she lives is where I am destined to be"?

Do I need a comma in this sentence?

Why do you only conjugate the first verb? [duplicate]

Dependent or Independent clause?

Identify the grammatical name and function of each of the expressions italicized/bolded below [closed]

How to understand the ingredient of this sentence?

'The idea how/ the idea of how/ the idea that how' a recessive gene might become dominant

Which clauses with phrases

Can "be" verbs link clauses and/or a clause and a phrase? [closed]

Exact meaning of "Too good a/of a X" clause and etymology

Comma splice question

Adjective clause or adverb clause?

How do you decide which clause is "independent" and which clause is "dependent"/"subordinate"?

Relative Clause Removal of "Relative Pronoun"

In terms of clause analysis, does this constitute a complex sentence?

Types of Independent Clauses