New posts in clauses

Subject pronoun vs object pronoun

Finding modifier in a sentence

Gerund after as though, please, help to clarify

Tense Inconsistency (Past Simple and Present Perfect) or wrong Sequence of Tenses (Present tense follows Past tense)?

Noun clause structure "student enrolling"

what is the main clause in conditional sentences

Can an independent clause be interrupted by a conjunction without a comma and still be an independent clause? [closed]

Why is the clause "They filled me in on all the latest news from Cambridge" correct?

Adverb clause: his delight evident

"The sky is blue" - Is it a clause?

Clauses of purpose: "for + -ing" or "to-infinitive [duplicate]

A stand-alone list of independent clauses as a sentence

How to parse A, B, or C that is D

Is there bad grammar in Cinemark's "No Texting" warning?

How to determine what an attributive clause modifies

Confusion in identifying defining and non-defining relative clauses

Having trouble with "and therefore". Is it a conjunction?

What type of clause is this?

Identifying parts of a sentence

Is the use of dependent clauses undesirable? (in scientific writing)