Identify the grammatical name and function of each of the expressions italicized/bolded below [closed]

[1] I met the only student of the newly established Technical University located at Ibadan.

[2] My friend is a man to beat.

[3] The boy who stole the book is running like a deer.

[4] Sighting the owner of the book, Kola ran away.

[5] Backbiting and gossiping led him to prison.

[6] The fact that he showed you love is not enough to tell him your secrets.

[1]: Noun phrase functioning as object of "met".

[2]: Infinitival clause functioning as modifier of "man".

[3]: Preposition phrase functioning complement of "running".

[4]: Gerund-participial clause functioning as depictive adjunct.

[5]: Gerund-participial clauses (or gerundial nouns) functioning as subject.

[6]: Noun phrase functioning as subject.