New posts in pronunciation

Which article must be used here, a or an? [duplicate]

Does Santy (Santa) exist outside Ireland?

"Lessen, poisoned gulls, ditcher wander hair annulled furry tell a boarder Slipping Booty?"

How do you pronounce 'frappé'?

how to differentiate -is from -es sound sing/plur?

Why isn't "examine" pronounced like "exhamyne"? [closed]

Stressed syllables in "ostentatious" and "adventurous" [duplicate]

Verification of the sound heard for the last vowel of "Virginia" in the Rolling Stones song "You Can't Always Get What You Want"

Is there a simple guide for 's' vs 'sh' pronunciation in words?

How to stress any word properly?

Fast speech and palatalization T+D

How to pronounce 100ish? [closed]

Do English words have fixed pronunciation?

About i.e. and e.g [closed]

Some words I can't hear (Do they even pronounce them?) [closed]

How to pronounce family names?

Why is "sure" pronounced with a "sh" consonant (voiceless postalveolar fricative [ʃ])? [duplicate]

What is the history behind how date is read?

Pronunciation of Aegis

TH sound, is it continuant or stop?