New posts in pronunciation

Why do we say 'year 1993' as "nineteen ninety three" instead of "one thousand nine hundred ninety three"?

How is the name of the town Hingham, Massachusetts, pronounced?

Pronunciation of "xeno-"

Should I pronounce little as ['lit(ə)l] or ['lid(ə)l]

Pronunciation of "the": thee versus thuh [duplicate]

Pronunciation of German proper nouns in America [closed]

Are heteronyms unique to English and why do they exist?

How to pronounce IPA "/rɑːp/"? (Old English)

Why is the word "cello" pronounced with CH /tʃ/ and not S?

Why is 'sort of' pronounced /sɔːrdəv/ in AmE though /t/ is not between vowels?

Pronunciation of w at the end of a word - and what does ʊ mean?

I have a Linking r question

Why is the pronunciation of French loanwords with the ending é botched?

Weak forms of HAVE

-IZE: unstressed (though strong)

Pronunciation of 'has' (/z/ or /s/) before /tʃ/

Should pronunciation of the r in "heart" be the same as r in "rabbit", in UK English?

Do we pronounce a "t" sound in negative contractions "n't"

“ē” and “iː”: I want a tutorial

How do we differentiate long vowels from short vowels in English