New posts in toponyms

River's Name as an Adjective

What are the associations of the word "Heights" in a city name? [closed]

British Isles - Acceptable? [closed]

Nature words ending in -land

When to use article 'The'? [duplicate]

Is “European Peninsula” a common name for Europe?

When alphabetizing, which goes first?

If a sentence ends with a place name that ends with an exclamation mark, what punctuation should follow?

United Kingdom's three-name-cities; is there a generic way to write them?

Can I say "many of the United States"?

Why is "Thailand" spelled with an 'h'?

Word for the name part of a country name

What does "Clyst" mean?

Origin of street names ending in "-hurst"

How is the name of the town Hingham, Massachusetts, pronounced?

What's the correct way to write the general location of someone in the USA? [closed]

Lake before or after lake name

Why are they called Hudson Bay and Bay of Biscay? Why Mediterranean Sea and Sea of Japan?

Do any UK place names have non-ASCII characters? [closed]

What is the first mention/use of the word "America" in print in an English written/translated source