Nature words ending in -land

What do you call nature words ending in -land? For example, moorland, wetland, marshland, woodland...You get the picture. Is there a name for such things? And is there one for a place that is surrounded by water/made up of shores of lakes/rivers/streams besides wetland?

I don't believe that a word specific to your meaning exists in English.

Certainly, one can use land form, habitat or even ecosystem. But there is nothing about those terms that restricts members of the set to only include terms ending in -land.

There are many such terms, including:

  • moorland
  • wetland
  • marshland
  • woodland
  • swampland
  • highland
  • lowland

Interestingly, many of these have forms that can exist without the suffix, such as:

  • moor
  • marsh
  • swamp
  • wood (or woods)

There are, of course, also many counterexamples—those words that end in -land but don't really capture the sense of a geographic form or natural habitat as you are describing. For example (including some from the comments, with thanks):

  • England
  • Iceland
  • Disneyland (ha! thanks, Drew)