What is the first mention/use of the word "America" in print in an English written/translated source

A new iuterlude [sic] (1520) has the following:

This sayde north parte is callyd Europa,
And this south parte callyd Affrica,
This eest parte is callyd Ynde,
But this newe landys founde lately
Ben callyd America by cause only
Americus dyd furst them fynde.

I used the BYU website to search the EEBO corpus, which only contains books, so it’s possible that there are earlier examples out there.

It was first printed in Waldseemüller map in 1507.

The Waldseemüller map or Universalis Cosmographia ("Universal Cosmography") is a printed wall map of the world by German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller, originally published in April 1507. It is known as the first map to use the name "America".
The name America is placed on what is now called South America on the main map. As explained in Cosmographiae Introductio, the name was bestowed in honor of the Italian Amerigo Vespucci.

Here's the map showing the word 'America':

Waldseemüller map


Also from Library of Congress Blog:

While the colonies may have established it, “America” was given a name long before. America is named after Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian explorer who set forth the then revolutionary concept that the lands that Christopher Columbus sailed to in 1492 were part of a separate continent. A map created in 1507 by Martin Waldseemüller was the first to depict this new continent with the name “America,” a Latinized version of “Amerigo.”

Waldseemüller map

“America” is identified in the top portion of this segment of the 1507 Waldseemüller map. Geography and Map Division.

The earliest use of the word 'America' is present in Laurel's answer (circa 1520), but I'll add some additional quotations:

America, a countrey late founde in the weste parte of the worlde, by Americus Vesputi∣us the yere of our lorde a thousand foure hū∣dred .lxxvii.

[Bibliotheca Eliotæ Eliotis librarie.]
Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546.
Londini: In officina Thomae Bertheleti ..., M.D.XLII [1542]

Also from Sir Thomas Elyot as Lexicographer 1538:

America, a countrey late founde in the east by Amercum Vesputium (Gg.ij.v)

The prouince cauled Peru, was also named no∣ua Cathilia by them that fyrste founde it. This region is the west parte of America: and is situ∣ate in the longitude of .290. degrees, procea∣dynge from the West to the East. And south∣warde begynneth fiue degrees beyonde the E∣quinoctial

[The decades of the newe worlde or west India]..... (very long title)
Wrytten in the Latine tounge by Peter Martyr of Angleria, and translated into Englysshe by Rycharde Eden. Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526., Eden, Richard, 1521?-1576. Londini: In ædibus Guilhelmi Powell [for Edwarde Sutton], Anno. 1555.

in deede it is of it selfe with the rest of America, in lyke ma∣ner as Europe, Affryk, & Asia, be one continent or maigne lande vnited togeather. In the fyrst and seconde chapters of this De∣cade,

[The history of trauayle in the VVest and East Indies, and other countreys]....... done into Englyshe by Richarde Eden. Newly set in order, augmented, and finished by Richarde VVilles.
Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526., Eden, Richard, 1521?-1576., Willes, Richard, fl. 1558-1573.
Imprinted at London: By Richarde Iugge, 1577.

Ocean, is the cape or poynt cau¦led Cabouerde or Caput viride (that is) the greene cape,* to the wh•¦che the P•rtugales fyrst directe theyr course when they sayle to America or the lande of Brasile.

[The decades of the newe worlde or west India conteynyng the nauigations]......
Wrytten in the Latine tounge by Peter Martyr of Angleria, and translated into Englysshe by Rycharde Eden.
Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526., Eden, Richard, 1521?-1576.
Londini: In ædibus Guilhelmi Powell [for Edwarde Sutton], Anno. 1555.