New posts in pronunciation

difference between the OALD pronunciation of /i/ in happy /ˈhæpi/ and /ɪ/ in sit /sɪt/?

Is mushy pronounced as 'mooshee'? [closed]

English word list with pronunciation [duplicate]

Why are "some" letters silent in English? [closed]

Pronunciation Help [closed]

Pronunciation of foreign words by foreign speakers

What is the correct pronunciation of SQLite? [closed]

Change of vowel sounds preceding 'L'

A pronunciation question of slough

What is the correct pronunciation of "elytra"?

Pronunciation of tetrameter, pentameter, etc

Has the pronunciation of ‘heretic’ changed over time?

Why is Anxiety Sometimes Pronounced With a 'g' sound?

How to use alphabet character to pronunciation American English?

What's this notation for marking up pronunciation?

Why is "have" pronounced with a "short a" sound?

Pronunciation of the expletive 'ugh'

How exactly to pronounce 'alphabetical' and 'pharmaceutical' in American English [closed]

Is there a schwa in the middle of Coleridge?

Where do accents come from? I am not just talking about American accents [closed]