New posts in pronunciation

Pronunciation of English "v"

How to pronounce "ReLU" (Rectified Linear Unit)?

Pronunciation of 'preface'. Why so?

the pronunciation of "get"

What syllable is stressed in "complex"?

Identify English accent

Is the "ng" sound often pronounced simultaneously with the "n" sound?

Why are spoken and written English so different? [duplicate]

Is there a standard for simplified pronunciation hints?

Pronunciation and transcription of the vowel in "fear", "dear", "near" etc

Whats correct "an quiz icon" or "a quiz icon"? [duplicate]

How many syllables does "orange" have, and what regional dialects show a difference in that number?

How did Spanish "Sevilla" become English "Seville"?

Etymology and Pronunciation of "Ouija"

The indefinite article – does local pronunciation change when I should use a/an [closed]

What phonetic alphabet is used here?

Are there /ɔ/ and /ʌ/ sounds in informal American English?

Who says /ˈjumə/ for "humor"?

So, we don't change /t/ to /d/ if /t/ is between 2 vowel sounds and /t/ is the beginning of the stressed sound in a word in American English, right? [duplicate]

Dialect "rules" and the pronunciation of individual words