New posts in pronunciation

Is there a word or term to describe mispronouncing a word due to someone else's accent?

History/origin of the pronunciation/spelling of "Butcher"?

how is /p/ pronunced in responsibility [duplicate]

what is the past tense of "I beat him" - here beat refers to striking a person [closed]

Is it “P.U.” or “pew” (regarding stinky things)? [closed]

How to read “A = (πr)²” so as not to mistake it for “A = πr²” [duplicate]

Why is "country" not pronounced like "count-tree"?

How do you pronounce a D at the end of a word followed by a word starting with D?

Why doesn't charcoal sound like "Karcoal"? [closed]

Is itinery/itinary an acceptable pronunciation of "itinerary"?

Pronunciation of the letter 'W' [closed]

Exercises for pronouncing the r

Where do people pronounce "ank" as /eŋk/ vs. /æŋk/?

Which English words are commonly misused by non-native English speakers? [closed]

Why there is difference in pronunciation of words PUT and CUT? [duplicate]

How to pronounce "I'm gonna" [closed]

Asians pronounce 'people' as 'peopo'

Accent on second syllable for "preference"

How do you pronounce the symbol $'$ in $f'$?

How to pronounce abbreviations by prefix part?