New posts in pronunciation

How do you pronounce coitus? [closed]

What is the term for a shortened word that is pronounced based on phantom letters?

Does anywhere else add an 'L' to words ending in a vowel sound?

When reading an English sentence containing a word with foreign origin, should one try to read it with pronunciation from the original language? [duplicate]

AmE pronunciation of 'cliché' vs 'niche'

Can the modal verb "can" be pronounced as /ŋ(k)/?

Can "on" be reduced?

Shouldn't we spell “extrovert” as “extravert”? [closed]

Pronunciation of the prefix "tri"

Rules for pronouncing the “gh” sound [duplicate]

Word with transcription [jərn] or [jən] [closed]

Do you take a break between words, when pronouncing?

How can I determine the proper stressing of words?

Attention Americans: Do you use the SILENT H in the beginning? [duplicate]

Mispronunciation of "entrepreneur"

Roaming and Coming in William Shakespeare's O Mistress Mine

Pronunciation of the words "clothes" and "February" in American English

"Carbine" rifle | is there pronunciation demographic data?

Origins of English Double-C Pronunciations

What is this math symbol called? [closed]