New posts in pronunciation

Why is "Rosen Plevneliev" pronounced with a /z/?

Is there a technical word or term for the words that mispronounced mostly by foreigners?

Is it appropriate for me to pronounce words ending in "ths" (e.g. "paths") with a "z" sound at the end?

How do I say "WWI" out loud?

Origins of UK/US difference in pronunciation "herb"

How to pronounce and orally spell <3?

How do you pronounce "is there" in fast speech?

How do you pronounce "Lowe" in "Lowe's"

Proper pronunciation of Neanderthal

Is there any word in English where the sound /o/ stands alone without being part of a diphthong?

How to pronounce "r" after a "g"?

Writing letter name pronunciations in a simple way [duplicate]

What sound do non-native speakers tend to produce when they mispronounce /f/ and/or /v/ in English? [closed]

How are these Brazilian Portuguese names pronounced in English?

Did "sublime" and "cherubim" rhyme in the past?

Synonym of many, multitude, etc., but starting with ph- [closed]

Why do we struggle so much when we try to pronounce something correctly? [closed]

how to pronounce "t's" sound, as in "it's" or "that's"

Why do English-speaking children mispronounce “spaghetti” as “pasketti”? [closed]

Cardinal British Dates - A Kiwi Original?