How do you pronounce "Lowe" in "Lowe's"

How do you pronounce "Lowe" in "Lowe's", the home improvement store in U.S.?

How is it pronounced when it is in a person's name? Is it pronounced in the same way?

It is homophonic with the regular word low, in all circumstances. The e is silent.

I am a Lowe in the US of english descent and my family pronounce "Lowe" as rhyming with "how." Our family has been in the US since at least the late 1700s. To my grandfather's knowledge (the oldest living Lowe in my family) our family has always pronounced it this way. Speaking from personal experience, this is a less common way to pronounce this last name, however I have met others (though not many) unrelated to me who also pronounce it this way.