Word with transcription [jərn] or [jən] [closed]

In English, is there any word that has the following transcription:

  • [jən] or
  • [jə:rn]

Many thanks!

Solution 1:

In English, is there any word that has the following transcription:

[jən] or [jə:rn]

The problem here is that "in English" covers a great deal of ground. The word "yearn" sounds different in US and UK English, not to mention New Zealand and other places.

The [jən] version is most likely intended to be from southern England because of the non-rhotic "r".

However in English we have not only to contend with long and short vowels (yearn has a long vowel) but a pitch change in the the middle of vowels. In my version of English this would show up as something like [jə:ən] where the first ə is higher pitched than the second.

I can't think of anywhere they would say [jən].

P.S. I hope someone will correct my IPA if necessary.