How to use alphabet character to pronunciation American English?

Solution 1:

There are any number of so-called "newspaper respelling" systems which attempt to represent pronunciation by analogy to simpler words or phonemes, avoiding the use of diacritical marks and non-Latin characters. A handful of standardized pronunciation respelling systems, in alphabetic order, include the following:

  • Associated Press Stylebook (subscription required)
  • ARPAbet
  • BBC Text Spelling Guide
  • CMU Pronouncing Dictionary (based on ARPAbet)
  • NBC Handbook of Pronunciation
  • Voice of America Pronounce (for names)
  • Wikipedia Pronunciation Respelling Key

All of the above except the BBC system target General American pronunciation.

A basic flaw of all such systems is that they presuppose that the reader understands how the components of the respellings are pronounced in the reference accent. This would not be the case for a learner.