Some words I can't hear (Do they even pronounce them?) [closed]

I like watching movies with English subtitles and I totally have no idea how fast some things are being said sometimes. I mean I miss some words like can, could, did. And I can swear they are not being pronounced at all.

For example the subtitle for this audio ( was: How much did those guys leave you?

But the only thing I hear is: How much those guys leave you?

I can't hear any "did" in that sentence. Is this common like saying "you ready?" instead of "are you ready?"

Another example.

According to the subtitles she is saying: "I don't want our kids growing up thinking meat comes from a store wrapped in plastic."

What I hear is: want our kids growing up thinking meat comes from a store wrapped in plastic.

I don't hear any "I" or "don't" in that sentence, that's for sure. And this happens so many times. So how am I supposed to "fill in those blanks"?

It's a very soft 'd' that's kinda merged into the 'th'

How much d'those guys leave you?

The second has the don't turn into just its 'n'.

I'n want our kids ....

They do pronounce all the words. It's just they're reduced to basically non-existent because English doesn't put equal emphasis on all the syllables like Japanese or Chinese does. Some words are not as important and they don't get as much emphasis.