Does Santy (Santa) exist outside Ireland?

It's common at this time of year for adults to ask small children What's Santy bringing you? (awkward as this is for those of us who don't celebrate Christmas). Is this pronunciation of Santa unique to Ireland?

Solution 1:

I live in the US, and I have heard "Santy" from an aunt of mine. She was born in the US as well.

..... added ........ The Oxford English Dictionary, in the entry "Santa Claus" has 6 quotations with "Santy", starting from 1925. And some of those are American: Dreiser, Faulkner, etc.

Solution 2:

As an Englishman who lives in Ireland with an Irish wife and kids I can say that I never heard it until I came to Ireland. It's possible that it's more common in Dublin than in the rest of the country but I could just be making this up...