New posts in participles

What is the correct term for using a verb as an adjective? [closed]

What is the difference between an adjective and a noun modifier?

Word order of participial modifiers and proper nouns

To Feel One’s Heart Fill/Filled With?

Is there a better term for "perfect infinitive", "perfect participle" or "perfect gerund"?

Is that an adverbial participle? Should there be a comma?

What is the correct form of "advance" in the sentence: "My advance search"?

Dangling Participial Phrase [closed]

superlative + -ing participle + noun ok?

Past participle of "fly" [closed]

How do you derive the adjectival form of an irregular verb such as "read"?

What do we call an adjective made of a verb?

Is it, "otherwise directed" vs. "directed otherwise"?

" I found her tiring and depressing " is this sentence correct? [closed]

Setting Off Participles With Commas

Is the gerund and (present) participle form always the same (spelling)? [duplicate]

Which clauses with phrases

"IT projects gone awry..." Qualifying a reduced relative clause rule

Form of Participle Clause Subject: 'his' being or 'him' being

"The cake was baked." Is "baked" a past participle or predicate adjective? [duplicate]