New posts in headline-english

What does "Will Lift Sanctions" mean? [closed]

Struggling to understand headlines that use ellipsis

‘Dembele Cannot Have Said Much To The Referee’ - grammatically correct?

Definite article in the headlines containing ‘of’ [closed]

The “open-ended Irish backstop” (Brexit)

Question about headline "Inmate Dies Anyway"

What is the correct term for using a verb as an adjective? [closed]

Why in error messages verb 'be' is not used? [duplicate]

Infinitives in news titles

What does it mean to "cut aid"?

News article: "Man sentenced for murdering his 10th wife". What does this mean?

Meaning of "sub + to + v " structure [duplicate]

what does "Google to pay Apple $12B to remain Safari's default search." mean? [duplicate]

Why did The New York Times use the present simple to describe a past event? [duplicate]

"Gadhafi forces retreat" - how do you understand that?

Is omitting an article within a title is actually correct? [duplicate]

Why not an s on "speed" in "Ukraine speed to test new-look Germany defence"

Is it ok to omit a possessive apostrophe before a capitalized appellation (President, country name, VP, PM)?

Multiple errors found VS multiple errors were found [duplicate]

How to avoid of of of in the Appendix title