Meaning of "sub + to + v " structure [duplicate]

I can't wrap my head around some English news titles with infinitives (I have tried to Google this, hopelessly).

Some examples:

  • Russia's Head Athletics Coach to Step Down After Doping Revelations¹
  • Russia to Create Government Job to Fight Doping in Sport²
  • Russian Olympic Champion Kaniskina to Quit Executive Role Over Doping Scandal³

What is this use of infinitives called, and what does it mean?

Solution 1:

In the days of print media headlines had to be short to fit over the column or columns of text in the article. In order to make them shorter editors often leave out words that most native speakers could intuit from context. So the full headlines for your example would be as follows:

Russia's Head Athletics Coach is About to Step Down After Doping Revelations.

Russia is going to Create a Government Job to Fight Doping in Sport.

Russian Olympic Champion Kaniskina is About to Quit his Executive Role Over the Doping Scandal

There are other potentially correct ways to write the full version but they would have similar meaning.