New posts in is-it-a-rule

Beginning a sentence with a gerund?

Active or Passive sentences [duplicate]

What type of grammar construction is this

When is it acceptable to start a sentence with an "-ing" word?

When did "ain't" become slang?

What or who is the source of the proscription on contractions in formal writing?

When to use passive and active voice [closed]

Why is "dark" an adverb in "dark blue"?

Isn’t this sentence a case of double negative?

Could you please help and explain to me how to correct the seemingly incorrect passive voice sentence pattern?

Is more than one "nor" after a "neither" correct?

What great writers have used coordinating conjunctions at the start of sentences?

Stative verbs in the continuous form?

"The more, the merrier!" -- Is this a sentence? If not... what?

Is using passive voice "bad form"?

“between” vs. “among”