New posts in infinitives

Objective complement?

Ellipsis of "to" in successive infinitives

"Wish" in the Passive [closed]

Why do these verbs take bare infinitives?

In the sentence "I must decide which English course to take," is "which English course to take" a noun clause?

Are both of them grammatical? [duplicate]

"Stop working" vs "stopped to work"

What does this infinitive mean?

Can the present participle be used as adverbials of purpose?

How to use the infinitive in this sentence?

Why can't to-infinitive be used as subject in "Not to learn French is my biggest regret."?

Is 'thought it to be' grammatically correct?

Difference in meaning: "would have had to be" vs "would have had to have been"

I could see them run towards the shop; I could see them running towards the shop [duplicate]

Under what circumstances can the word "be" be used directly without any change? [duplicate]

Grammatically correct form of "Way <infinitive phrase>"

Can we use a to-infinitive directly after the subject? [closed]

Watch the sun go down [duplicate]

"Would you have liked to have been" vs. "would you have liked to be"

stated rule on use of infinitives in a sequence?