New posts in infinitives

Did prescriptivists make up pied-piping in relative infinitive constructions?

What is wrong with this sentence: "This is an obstacle to start in Turkey"

Meaning of "sub + to + v " structure [duplicate]

Verb after gerund verb [duplicate]

Is the usage of this ‘to permit this’ ungrammatical in this sentence from the Economist?

"Required to do" vs. "required doing"

The "to~" infinitive always implies the future, except for preference Like and Love

Is "What I'm doing is" followed by an infinitive or gerund form? [closed]

Why do we use the objective case pronoun "me" in "He can watch me clean the car"?

"How best to handle" vs. "how to best handle"

"It is fun to be him/he." Which is correct?

Correct answer for the following question? What is the reason? [duplicate]

Usage of "to be done" [closed]

What is an "infinitive"?

Difference between 'decided on' and 'decided to'?

It is very difficult to solve. vs. It is too difficult to solve [closed]

Rephrase "to love is to can" [duplicate]

Gerund? Infinitive? Why, when we talk about jobs, do we say "I have a job taking people on tours" instead of "I have a job to take people on tours"?

"I don't bother to do" vs "I don't bother doing"

Problem with gerund and infinitive [closed]