New posts in gerund-vs-infinitive

"It is" as the beginning of paragraphs

"believe someone to do something" - (why) is it wrong?

Use of the infinitive, always use 'to'?

"I know him ʙᴇɪɴɢ honest" vs “I know him ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ honest”

Even though she is angry, you should try _______ (talk) to her [closed]

To smoke vs Smoking at the beginning of the sentence [duplicate]

Which of the following sentences is correct ; basically I don't understand where to use gerund and where infinitive, and why

"... assisting emerging countries meet their development goals..." vs "... assisting emerging countries in meeting their development goals..."

Can gerund and infinitive forms be interchangeable when functioning as subject of a sentence?

Allow X: What’s the difference between "for the sharing of X" and "to share X"? Do they mean the same thing?

"doomed to" + noun or infinitive?

What are the correct words I have to insert here? (Verb patterns) [closed]

'To solve' versus 'To solving'

"Go a long way to" + gerund vs infinitive

For to ask if this title is grammatical

Can to-infinitives be used after the verb “dislike”?

Go shopping vs for shopping [closed]

When to use verb, base verb or gerund [closed]

Difference in meaning between gerund and infinitive [duplicate]

‘Drive somebody to’: Why with infinitive?