New posts in grammatical-case

Can he be an object pronoun?

"Let's you and I/me be fair with each other."

Is “her” a possessive or an objective pronoun in “A mother takes care of her children”?

"Ask me anything" and "Ask anything to me"

What case of 'I' should be used in a Participle Clause? [duplicate]

"a patient who is" or "a patient whom is"? [duplicate]

Is it correct to say that English has the dative case?

"Me too" or "I too"? [duplicate]

"Alex and I" vs. "me and Alex" [duplicate]

I am [who/whom] G-d made me

What happened first: "ye"/"you" merging to "you", or "thou"/"thee" falling out of common use?

When to use "whom" and "who" when the direct object is also doing an action

"Bob and us" or "Bob and we" or "Bob and ourselves"?

The use of "whoever" or "whomever" in complex sentence

"Exchange emails with whomever you want to put me in contact [with]"

Should I use 'whoever' or 'whomever': "I will kill ___ despises me." ?

Construction of “woe is me”

Issues with predicate nominative

Contemporary written usage of "whom" in objective case [duplicate]

Is it wrong to use a pronoun object \ comparison [duplicate]