New posts in grammatical-case

Should it be "you and I" or "you and me" in the song "We are the world"

If a clause is a direct object, its pronoun is nominative because the whole clause is the object

Can someone clear up my confusion regarding who vs. whom? [duplicate]

fare thee well - grammar

" you and I am" versus " you and I are"

Why do we use the objective case pronoun "me" in "He can watch me clean the car"?

"It is fun to be him/he." Which is correct?

Declined Latin nouns in English prose

What's up with "this," in Old English(Ænȝlıſ͡ċ/Anglo Saxon‽)

"Who(m) will it be?" vs. "Will it be he/him?"

Who vs whom in "Who is the right person to turn to? [duplicate]

"He had me do this" vs "He had me doing this" vs "He had my doing this"

Conflicting who/whom usage rules in a sentence [duplicate]

"You know more about this than me/I" [duplicate]

"as much as you and I" vs. "as much as you and me" [duplicate]

Is the "us" in "all that will be left is us" correct usage?

Is “It must be him with whom you enjoy doing your assignments, not me” correct? [duplicate]

Why is " I" not " me" required in this comparative clause? [duplicate]

Personal pronouns interacting with word order [duplicate]

Is this use of whomever correct?