New posts in gerunds

Is this a gerund, participle, or continuous infinitive?

Why was "to + verb + ing" used in this case? [duplicate]

Which/ That/ Present Participle

Is "solutioning" a correct word?

Do “because so-and-so claims that” and “claiming that” have the same meaning?

Past tense and "rather than"

Difference between gerund and present participle [duplicate]

"It is fun to write letters" vs. "It is fun writing letters"

Subject of gerund phrase [duplicate]

Usage of the gerund preceded by the possessive adjective/determiner?

Is there a difference between "way of doing something" and "way to do something"?

Are these parts of speech correct? [closed]

Help identifying an error type "tried to help me learning"

hyphen in noun-gerund compounds

How to form a gerund from “practise”? [closed]

Does a gerund always end with "-ing"? If so, why?

How do I know when a verb should be followed by a gerund or an infinitive?

Cooking apples and cleaning ladies

Which is (more) correct? [duplicate]

What is difference between "using" and "by using"?