New posts in gerunds

Is -in' really correct? [duplicate]

I am looking forward to ....? (followed by a Gerund)? [duplicate]

Differentiating between verb-ing and gerunds [duplicate]

Is “using” a gerund in this sentence?

"Thank you for coming" and "Thank you for your coming"

Can the gerund clause take a personal pronoun as its subject in “It’s no use (his?) crying over lost love”?

"spent a lot of time to shop" vs. "spent a lot of time shopping"

Gerund with and without "of" preposition

Using the gerund two times in a row

Two gerunds and singular or plural verb?

A gerund or use a regular noun?

When is it acceptable to start a sentence with an "-ing" word?

Is the sentence "Queueing is so thoughtful of you." grammatically correct?

When was the word 'being' first used to refer to a human being or sentient being?

"For [verb]ing" vs "to [verb]"

See this sentence "This is my last night working here"! What grammar structure is it? Reduced Relative Clause?

Is "University Challenge" right that this is a gerund?

I want (object) (infinitive) or (gerund)?

When must a gerund be preceded by a possessive pronoun as opposed to an accusative one?

Dropping the '-ing' in noun adjuncts