New posts in gerunds

When using a verb that has a noun form with a gerund, do you use the gerund or the noun?

Is using gerund with relative pronoun possible? [duplicate]

Expect +to VS expect + ing

Is "programming" not a noun?

Grammatical complements for "allow"

'The X-ing of Y' vs just 'X-ing Y' : why are both 'the' and 'of' necessary together?

"Plan to do" vs. "plan on doing"

Is this a gerund phrase after hate?

Is "to practice volleyball requires stamina" grammatical?

Using of "him" in a Sentence [duplicate]

How to remember the difference between: "Can you try to open" and "Can you try opening"?

verbs (or infinitives) as objective? [duplicate]

Confusion with pronouns proceeding gerunds

When to use a gerund or an infinitive after "is"?

What is a gerund? A noun or a verb? 'His smoking upset me’

Verbs vs. gerunds vs. something else?

The choice between the gerund and the infinitive in a certain construction

When can the -ing form of a verb be placed before a noun?

"...would have trouble imagining...": Is this present participle or gerund?

Is this sentence correct? "What I want to do is read this book."