New posts in confusables

all but.. none but.. usage

Correct use of lie or lay in the following context

Should this be "ensure," and not "insure?

What is this phrase, "I hope we catch up," called when "catch" may be confused with what's done with a baseball?

Usage of 'customs' in lieu of 'immigration'

Can, could, or be able to in a B1 question [closed]

When to use "essay" vs "assay" (as a verb)?

When to use 'take' and 'drink'?

Is "anymore" a word? [duplicate]

"Bona fide" vs "Bonafide" [closed]

Is "consumed the marriage" a typo?

"Location" vs. "locality" [closed]

The Confusion Of Then And Than

"Could lie down"/" Could lay down" [duplicate]

Difference between 'lie' and 'lie down'

Confusing tooltip, opt out opt in

You didn't miss me, right? (possible answer with correct use of English) [duplicate]

Does one "douse" or "dowse" a spotlight or projector?

What is the difference between sugar cane and cane sugar?

How did the word "busybody" end up meaning so different from what it appears on its face to imply?