New posts in syntactic-analysis

Meaning of "And the day came when ... "

Relative clause with "whose": is it misplaced?

"It claims to be" vs "it claims is"

Help conjugating

"Academic Careers in Statistics" vs "Statistics Careers in Academia"

What does an ellipsis followed by an exclamation mean?

Can you end a sentence with a clitic like "they're"? [duplicate]

A term for "radix point" that everyone would understand?

"I wish for a rest now": what does "now" modify?

What is difference between GOT TO and HAVE TO [closed]

"After reviewing ..., it ...": is it grammatical?

Syntax question for an English native speaker

How to parse "which was especially humiliating because everyone was talking about it the next morning"?

Are all three of these sentences equally fine?

If I put the word "over" in my answer, is it wrong?

What part of speech is "methinks"?

Could you please help me analyze the grammar/structure of this sentence [closed]

Is Grammar An Exact Science? [closed]

Using "though" at the beginning of the following sentence

"To buy a bed with" vs "to play a ball with"