New posts in sense-verbs

Infinitive vs. To Be Gerund [duplicate]

"You hear but you don't listen" or "You listen but you don't hear"?

Intransitive verbs with preposition in passive sentences [duplicate]

Adjective used to mean "smellable"

Can you say "feel to" do something?

What's the Appropriate Word to Say You're 'Dazzled' by a Nice Smell?

Russian speakers and "I feel myself to be ..."

"Seem", "appear", "look" — how to differentiate?

Correct usage of "see" vs. "watch"

I saw her dance/dancing? I saw a flash of lightning strike/striking? I caught her steal/stealing? [duplicate]

What is the difference between seems like /seems that/seems?

"How does it look?"

Do you "watch" a movie or "see" a movie?

Is it really wrong to say "I'm hearing"?

Why would anybody use "bloody" to describe how would they take their burgers or any other food?

Words pertaining to the senses and the corresponding disabilities

Is it 'what it looks like' or 'how it looks like'?

"I feel bad for you" versus "I feel badly for you"

"I saw him crossing" vs. "I saw him cross" [duplicate]

Non-finite clause complementation of complex transitive verbs