New posts in russian

Usage of kh in transliteration of Cyrillic, hebrew and others

What is the English equivalent of the Russian saying "my ears are curling into tubes"?

Something similar to "stir up/kick hornets' nest"

"Scientists and poets" — translation of the Russian phrase

What does that mean "had you not seen" [closed]

English equivalent of Russian "по кд" meaning "used repeatedly and as soon as possible"

Word for person attracted to shiny things

Difference between /æ/ and /ɛ/

Grants distribution but with pejorative connotation [closed]

Equivalent for the Russian idiom "to write into the drawer"

Typing guillemets (angle quotes, «») in Russian and English keyboards

Can you say "bald hill" to mean a hill that has no trees on it? [closed]

Idiom for someone "not from this world"?

Russian speakers and "I feel myself to be ..."

Idiom for "the first attempt (of something) is never right"

Are there shibboleths specific to native Russian speakers?

Perforability - a correct term similar to Russian "перфорированность", meaning "relative area of a surface occupied by pores"

Idiom or word for a very crowded place