New posts in pronunciation

Pronunciation of "rather"

Should the first instance of an author-made word in a work use an accent mark? [closed]

Point vs dot: when to use what?

Do the words with non-palatalized pronunciation of g/c ("get", "give") always have a Germanic origin?

Should it be 'an' or 'a' in front of an abbreviation? [duplicate]

"a" or "an" in MSc [duplicate]

Is the pronunciation of 'th' as in think 'f' specific to a native speaker's variety of English?

How is the word "saw" pronounced in the US, specifically, New York?

Pronunciation of "scald" and "old" (or "ol' ") in West Ireland

Is the repetition of a pronoun instead of stressing it possible?

Do /ɪə/, /eə/, /ʊə/ diphthongs actually exist in General American as phonemes?

Keeping the spelling 'Kristtorn' while sounding like 'Kriston' - possible with diacritics?

Am I semi-rhotic?

Should "ohmmeter" be stressed on the first or second syllables, or both?

Why is the "A" in some adverbs silenced?

What is the word for obtaining a rhyme by mispronouncing a word using a regional dialect?

How do you read "$a_n$" in English?

Pronouncing th after r in Standard American English: /ɹð/

How do I pronounce the name "Aurelius"?

Recommended pronunciation of international English for foreigners