New posts in pronunciation

In Jamaican English, why is there no θ sound?

Is final -l becoming a vowel?

How do native English speakers pronounce words with contiguous hard consonants?

What’s the usage of apostrophes in " ‘Bye, ‘bye "?

What's the first vowel of Boston, MA?

Why does the letter "a" correspond to /ɪ/ in words like "image", "private" and "surface" (American English)?

Texans speaking with a slurring "s"?

What’s the word for the habit of writing “play’d” or “revolv’d”?

Why does Business read like busyness?

What does 'Roodow (wrongly spelled, only the sound)' mean?

Any example of when one would pronounce the word "a" with a long A sound?

Why do American English speakers pronounce both syllables in "challah" equally?

Why is "lousy" pronounced like "louzy"? [duplicate]

Dialectical differences in pronunciation of the 't' sound in “it”, “its”, and “it's”?

Adele's pronunciation - Can't recognise some sounds in 'Rolling in the Deep'

Origin of the Old English word, 'blithe'

Why is "lawyer" widely pronounced "loyer"?

Pronunciation of letters "g" and "c" in blend words

Retroflex approximants in AE dialects

Is there a regional preference for accenting the first syllable in "finance" vs. the second syllable?