New posts in present-participles

Present continuous vs present perfect followed by temporal 'for' / 'since'

In "Lucifer Rising" - grammatical explanation for use of -ing form instead of "Rises"?

Participle of "center/centre" in UK English — "centring"? Seriously? [closed]

Gerund or Participle?

"The use of" vs. "using"

Gerund or Present Participle?

Gerund? or Present participle?

Comma before "including"?

Why do non-native English speakers get the present participle wrong?

I could see them run towards the shop; I could see them running towards the shop [duplicate]

What is are the distinct names for these verbs: 'Display' and 'Displays' [closed]

"It takes" + infinitive vs. present participle

What is the grammatical difference behind "is interesting" and "is interested"?

"I miss seeing her dancing" or "I miss seeing her dance"? [duplicate]

When is it acceptable to start a sentence with an "-ing" word?

"Is missing" vs. "is missed" [closed]

"What I'm doing is watching TV." — Why does it have to be the gerund-participle ('watching')?

Present participle as a modifier

Difference between gerund and present participle [duplicate]

"It is fun to write letters" vs. "It is fun writing letters"