New posts in predicative-complement

Form of predicative complement

Objective complement?

Predicative use of 'ongoing'

The function of "young"in these sentence

He died [as?] a broken man

Why "be king", not "be a king"? [duplicate]

How come "John is friends with Jane"?

How can you tell when a participle is being used as an adjective? [duplicate]

Which is correct: "Who is Greek president" or "Who is the Greek president"?

Is there any other way you can "wax" as you do when you "wax philosophical"?

“The difficulty is we need” vs. “The difficulty is ᴛʜᴀᴛ we need”

What exactly falls under the label of "complement"?

Is 20 dollars here a direct object or a predicate complement? 'This book cost me 20 dollars.'

"That was me" vs. "That was I" [duplicate]

"He is loved", is 'loved' an adjective or a verb? [duplicate]

Which is correct: "This is her" or "This is she"? [duplicate]

verb or adjective in "The blue page is *stapled* to the red page"?

Which one is correct to say: "It's me" or "It's I"?

predicative complement vs predicative adjunct

Agreement in "[Singular Noun] Is/Are [Plural Noun]"?