New posts in personal-pronouns

Should a photograph label read “you and I” or “you and me”? [duplicate]

"The one who wants" vs. "the one who want"

I, and I/me alone, did it all

Is it correct to say “I myself”?

"They interviewed several candidates who/whom he thought had the experience he required." [duplicate]

Would pronouns be objective or subjective in this sentence?

"Nobody will help you but me" vs. "Nobody will help you but I"

Is there a grammatical name for the third-person 'you'?

Important! Is there a term for misusing the pronoun “you”? [duplicate]

Is it poor form to start too many sentences with I?

What is the difference between “they” and “it” for people, especially for those people who identify as non-binary?

Did English ever have a "you" plural?

"as bad at English as me" vs. "as bad at English as I"

"Your and my [something]" vs "Yours and my..."

What is the proper usage of "Y'all" in southern American dialects

Referring to objects as "she" [duplicate]

How are pronouns resolved?

When to use "me" or "myself"?

Between you and ("me" or "I")? [duplicate]

"Being [he/him] is not easy." Which is prescriptively "correct"?