New posts in past-tense

Difference between 'haven't ...yet' and 'didn't.... yet'

What is are the distinct names for these verbs: 'Display' and 'Displays' [closed]

Simple Past and Present Perfect [closed]

ED endings: Adjective or Past Participle in Perfect Tenses, Passive Voice and after To Be? [duplicate]

What does "I was had" mean?

Should I use present tense in reporting speech?

Using verb tenses correctly

Is "drownded" a word?

Why is borne a past participle of bear?

Correct tenses for history book

Why is slain a past participle of slay? [duplicate]

Which is the correct past tense of "spin": "span" or "spun"?

"They knew what mercy is" vs. "they knew what mercy was"

"I left before they had decided what to do" Why is 'decided' in the past perfect?

What is going on grammatically in the opening line of One Hundred Years of Solitude?

"Lept" vs. "leapt" vs. "leaped"

Is there any difference between "thou wast" and "thou wert"?

"Grit" vs "gritted"

Using Raised or Rose in different contexts? [closed]

Past tense/present tense: Found out Vs. Finding out