New posts in past-tense

confusing sentence "before I'd had a chance, my sister ran up ..."

"He added" vs. "Did he add" (inversion after negative adverb) [duplicate]

Is "should" ever used as past tense of "shall"?

Use of past tense when describing upcoming event

Lived vs Lived out

Past Perfect and Until

Is it grammatically correct to change tense in a sentence? [duplicate]

Mixing tenses in past tense fiction

Is it wrong to use "Did you ever" in a sentence?

Her name is or her name was? [closed]

What is the difference between "Look who has decided to show up" and "Look who decided to show up"? [duplicate]

"Would you have liked to have been" vs. "would you have liked to be"

"I had fallen asleep" vs "I fell asleep" [duplicate]

Which is the right tense for talking about past activities that are true in the present as well [closed]

Past tense of "to wing"?

What sentence sounds more natural?

Is it okay to say "Do you know there is" [closed]

Past tense of "make up for" ambiguity

Differentiate between past and present just by pronunciation when word is followed by d- or similiar sound

How can I change the tense of a hyphenated verb?