Simple Past and Present Perfect [closed]

could you possibly enlighten me about any differences between 2 sentences below:

(a) I went to Warsaw this year.

(b) I have been to Warsaw this year.

Thank you very much in advance!

Solution 1:

If it is nearing the end of the year, then it is permissible to say:

(a) I went to Warsaw this year.

In this case you conceptualize the year as being over or past in terms of the possibility of going to Warsaw again. So the past tense is fine. This is similar to you saying to your wife when you arrive home after work:

I saw John today.

Although today is not finished, you are not expecting to leave the house again, so you conceptualize the chance of seeing John again as over or past.

Sentence b:

I have been to Warsaw this year

could be said at any time during the year, and is stated as one of the things you have done, with no implication as to whether or not you think a further visit is possible.